
Alexandria’s Sinking Shoreline: A Warning for Coastal Cities


The iconic high-rises along the Mediterranean coastline of the Egyptian city of Alexandria are facing an invisible, but growing threat.  Driven by climate change, rising sea levels are causing groundwater to increase and weaken building foundations, leading to a dramatic increase in structural collapses.

Once a rare occurrence, building failures in the city have surged from about one per year to nearly 40. Soil analysis shows that seawater intrusion destabilizes structures from the ground up, even for buildings not directly exposed to the sea. Scientists warn that this issue isn’t unique to Alexandria.

California’s coastal cities face similar risks as land subsidence and saltwater intrusion threaten infrastructure, homes, and even drinking water supplies.

The problem extends beyond the visible retreat of shorelines. As seawater seeps underground, it disrupts the stability of entire urban areas, challenging the assumption that rising sea levels only become a concern when waters visibly encroach on land.

Alexandria’s crisis serves as a stark reminder that coastal cities worldwide must act now to reinforce infrastructure, manage groundwater levels, and prepare for the hidden effects of climate change before the damage becomes irreversible.

Within our .earth tribe, there are several organizations covering the problem of retreating shorelines and saltwater intrusion:

  • BlueEconomyNews.Earth: This organization covered the World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC) report showing that protecting coastal areas from the effects of climate change and tourist activities will require annual investments of up to $65 billion. Learn more here.
  • WavesofChange.Earth: Since the beginning of 2020, the Ocean and Climate Platform (OCP) has carried out a project in order to facilitate coastal and island adaptation to climate change. Learn more here.
  • Vesta.Earth: This organization’s mission is to remove carbon dioxide pollution while making coastlines more resilient, and has placed 8,200 metric tons of carbon-removing olivine sand off the coast of Duck, NC. Learn more here.
  • Dialogue.Earth: This organization covered Ghana’s disappearing coastal communities. Learn more here.
  • Greenly.Earth: This organization covered how coastal erosion can be stopped. Learn more here.

Is your organization helping to shine a light on disappearing coastlines and communities? The .earth web domain is ideal for enhancing your brands and communicating your mission of creating a safer planet through platforms for social and environmental activism. 

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