
Combating Wildfires with Green Technologies


Dry conditions, increased temperatures, and changing weather patterns have all contributed to a rise in both the number and intensity of forest fires. These blazes not only cause the loss of hundreds of thousands of human lives, but also affect millions of animals, destroying habitats and causing significant ecological disruption.

One promising advancement in this arena is the integration of green technologies, particularly the use of sensors that can ‘smell’ fires in their nascent stages. A standout example of such technology is Dryad’s Silvanet IoT system, which offers a beacon of hope in the fight against wildfires.

The innovative system utilizes a network of sensors capable of detecting the chemical signatures of smoke at the earliest stages of a fire.

By ‘smelling’ the fire before it spreads, Silvanet can alert authorities and response teams much quicker than traditional observation methods, enabling a faster and more efficient response that can save lives, protect wildlife, and preserve natural habitats.

Wildfires are a pressing concern in the era of climate change, but green technologies can play a vital role in preserving our planet for future generations. Thankfully, within our .earth tribe, we also have several organizations working to combat the increase in wildfire devastation across the globe, including:

  • Wildfire.Earth: This organization is the first to offer a wildfire threat estimation, which is a prediction service that’s backed by cutting-edge technology and data science expertise. Learn more here.
  • GLP.Earth: The Global Land Programme works with Earth observations for pre- and post-fire monitoring using use of open-source tools, such as Google Earth Engine and NASA-supported platforms for analyzing imagery. Learn more here. 
  • Azuria.Earth: This company based in France uses the power of AI to process multi-spectral images for wildfire detection and mitigation. Learn more here.
  • FireLore.Earth: This Indigenous-owned and operated cultural land management consultancy focuses on reducing overall wildfire risks and revitalizing destroyed ecosystems. Learn more here.

If you are working to help prevent the destruction that wildfires reap on our planet, consider using the .earth web domain to showcase your innovative efforts. Click here to secure your own specialized .earth web domain name.

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