
Housing in the Age of Climate Change: The Shift Toward Sustainability


.earth Web Domain Users Leading in Developing Climate-Ready Housing Solutions

With the increasing frequency of extreme weather conditions – such as hurricanes, floods, droughts, and wildfires – the need for more sustainable and resilient housing has never been more pressing.

Homes designed to withstand high winds, heavy rains, and other climate-related stresses are more likely to stay intact, reducing the risks of injury, displacement, or death.

We all need well-designed homes that not only provides comfort, but also improves overall health, stays dry and fresh — where a child’s asthma symptoms lessen — and where our own mental and physical wellbeing improves.

Unfortunately, though, in most places, healthy, affordable, and climate-resilient housing is still far from the standard. The reality is that there’s a significant gap between the energy efficiency of older homes and newer constructions. Older homes tend to be in worse condition, more likely to be cold, and inefficient in how they use energy.

As a result, they’re not only harder to maintain but also leave a larger environmental footprint, contributing to higher energy bills and health issues. To truly combat the effects of climate change, we need to shift our focus toward building and retrofitting homes that are designed for the future.

Within our .earth web domain tribe, we have several organizations working to build sustainable homes fit for the future, including:

  • Home.Earth: An evergreen real estate company dedicated to building quality homes that prioritize highest standards of environmental and social sustainability, the company offers a conscious living choice to the everyday citizen. Learn more here.
  • Rematter.Earth: This organization combines high-tech manufacturing with innovative material use to provide highly sustainable and price-competitive solutions for the construction industry. Learn more here.
  • H4H.Earth: Hemp 4 Humanity has partnered with Canary Homes to provide a progressive reproducible model for affordable housing focused on holistic well-being, sustainability, and environmental impact. Learn more here.
  • Buildify.Earth: The organization works with ambitious founders who offer solutions to tackle the climate and resource problem globally. They help start-ups realize their vision and have a positive impact on the built environment. Learn more here.

Is your company building climate-resilient housing for our future? The .earth web domain is ideal for enhancing your brands and communicating your mission of creating a safer planet through platforms for social and environmental activism.

In addition, we are running a special promotion where GoDaddy is offering .earth domains for $7.99 for a limited time. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

To learn more about the .earth domain, visit Voices.Earth. In addition, many organizations and individuals are sharing their voices about the benefits of a .earth domain in our Voices.Earth podcast series.


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