
How Gaming is Inspiring a Greener Future


.earth Web Domain Users Are Leading the Way Into Green Gaming

As environmental themes gain traction in our everyday activities, the gaming industry has also taken note. A growing movement of gamers is leveraging the imaginative power of video games to reshape conversations about climate change.

In a world where natural landscapes are increasingly lost to urbanization and environmental degradation, these games often suggest ways forward, encouraging players to think critically about human-nature relationships and potential solutions to environmental challenges.

For example, a gamed called “Alba: A Wildlife Adventure,” stands out as a powerful tool for reconnecting people with nature. Unlike most games where wildlife is merely background scenery, Alba makes players interact with the environment in meaningful ways.

By photographing and identifying birds in a fictional Spanish archipelago, players notice and appreciate real-world wildlife that they may have overlooked before.

Beyond individual titles, industry initiatives, like Playing for the Planet, highlight how games can drive broader environmental awareness. This UN-backed effort brings together game developers to create content that inspires ecological consciousness among players. The initiative has led to “green game jams,” where companies brainstorm ways to incorporate environmental themes into their games.

Video games are often dismissed as mere distractions, but they have the potential to be much more. They offer not just virtual escapism, but also a unique space for imagining and experimenting with new ways of living that could help promote sustainability.

Within our .earth tribe, we have several organizations working in the video game field to inspire a greener, more conscientious world, including:

  • Midgard.Earth: This organization gives gamers access to a curated list of the carbon accountable games on the market. They can view each game’s carbon and offset reports and mitigate your gaming emissions. Learn more here.
  • Genus.Earth: Genus is a brand-new way for young people to save the environment. By blending online fun with real-world missions, this revolutionary new platform empowers the next generation to build a brighter, more sustainable future. Learn more here.
  • Bluewhale.Earth: Blue Whale Studios, in partnership with Basement Sports and other game studios, is producing a whole series of mostly sports-inspired video games. Learn more here.
  • Vidakit.Earth: The organization developed a bespoke green game in partnership with game company Peek & Poke that promotes interest/habits in sustainability. Learn more here.

Are you a video game company hoping to inspire a more environmentally friendly planet? The .earth web domain is ideal for enhancing your brands and communicating your mission of creating a safer planet through platforms for social and environmental activism.

To learn more about the .earth domain, visit Voices.Earth. In addition, many organizations and individuals are sharing their voices about the benefits of a .earth domain in our Voices.Earth podcast series.



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