
Plastic Free July: Tips for Living Without Plastics


The best way to celebrate Plastic Free July is to simply live without plastics for the month. While this may seem difficult on the surface, there are many things you can do to fully remove your plastic footprint.

Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, the founder of the Plastic Free Foundation, is leading this movement and was recently featured on National Public Radio (NPR) about this important topic. You can listen to the NPR segment below, where one of the radio hosts is challenging herself to live plastic-free for a week.

For those who want to take this challenge, here are some tips for living plastic-free this month from the Plastic Free Foundation:

  • Coffee Cups: Swap out your usual disposable coffee cup with an eco-friendly version.
  • Loose Produce: Choose reusable produce bags as a simple alternative to reduce the overall environmental impact.
  • Reusable Shopping Bags: Choose reusable bags and make it a habit to keep a stash in handy locations.
  • Plastic Straws: Choose to not use single-use plastic straws and be sure to tell the bartender “No straw please” when ordering a beverage.
  • Plastic Water Bottles: Plan ahead and bring a reusable water bottle when on the go, which is a healthier, cost-effective way to stay hydrated and avoid single-use plastic water bottles.
  • At the Bakery: Bring your own containers to the bakery and refuse any pre-packed bread, rolls and baked goods.
  • Meat, Fish and Deli: Choose to refuse pre-packaged meat, fish and deli products, particularly those sold on polystyrene trays.

We are also excited to mention that several members of the .earth web domain tribe are also honoring Plastic Free July.

For example, NatureConnect.Earth is offering these tips for going plastic-free. The Commons.Earth is also offering tips, and Giki.Earth is offering this advice for going beyond the “three Rs” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for Plastic Free Month.   

As we recently highlighted, we are extending our Earth Day promotion – honoring the 2024 Earth Day theme of “Planet vs. Plastics” – with the following select registrars through the end of the month.

Now you can showcase your organization’s plastic free mission by securing your own personalized .earth web domain!

To learn more about the .earth web domain, visit Voices.Earth. In addition, many organizations and individuals are sharing their voices about the benefits of a .earth domain in our Voices.Earth podcast series.





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