
Plastic Overshoot Day: Plastic Waste at its Tipping Point


.earth web domain tribe member Earth Action aims to empower countries to mitigate plastic pollution

In more disheartening climate change news, the amount of plastic produced is expected to double – leading to a threefold increase in plastic pollution by 2040.

The root causes of this issue are the excessive production and widespread use of plastic, coupled with inadequate waste management systems to properly handle plastic after its use.

Each year, there comes a day when the volume of plastic waste exceeds the capacity of waste management systems to handle it effectively. This day is known as Plastic Overshoot Day, and it’s managed by .earth web domain tribe member Earth Action (EA).

Earth Action ( is an organization that is dedicated to addressing environmental challenges through robust research, innovative solutions and global partnerships.

The organization has launched a .earth landing page ( with a comprehensive Plastic Overshoot Day study and other resources to raise awareness and spark advocacy to fight plastic pollution.

This year’s Plastic Overshoot Day will be on September 5, 2024. Sadly, this is when plastic waste is projected to reach its tipping point, which this year recorded a worldwide plastic production of 220 million metric tons, distributed among various country archetypes.

Understanding this complex issue is the first step toward finding solutions. By tracking Plastic Overshoot Day annually, we can gauge the severity of the plastic waste problem, observe its trajectory, and hold governments, businesses, and individuals accountable for their roles in contributing to the crisis. 

With Plastic Overshoot Day almost here, we are running a special promotion with starting on September 1st where GoDaddy will offer .earth domains for $7.99 for a limited time. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

To learn more about the .earth web domain, visit Voices.Earth. In addition, many organizations and individuals are sharing their voices about the benefits of a .earth domain in our Voices.Earth podcast series.


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