
Why Premium .earth Domain Names Matter


Since nearly every aspect of our lives has become contained and managed on the Internet, now is the right time to create the digital foundation for everyone to have a voice when it comes to global issues.

With the new .earth domains gaining momentum in the marketplace, this new “right of the dot” branding approach can serve as this global awareness foundation.

However, to reach an even higher-level of digital engagement, we are encouraging organizations to seek out premium .earth domain names. This will further connect and establish cooperative relationships between individuals and organizations that wish to show their support for making Earth a better place.

Here’s why premium .earth domains really matter, and why they require a slightly more significant investment:

  • Enhanced Branding: Premium .earth domain names are based on very common and popular terms that will help further enhance your brand and aid in obtaining optimal Search Engine Optimization (SEO) results.
  • A Trusted Domain: Premium .earth domain names convey a higher-level of trust to your customers, partners, and constituents when they are seeking out information about your organization.
  • Your Mission is Priceless: If your organization is involved in helping bring awareness around today’s global issues, then your mission is priceless. As such, the minimal investment in a premium .earth domain extension is something that will provide a greater level of ROI for your organization.
  • Valuation and Cost-Effectiveness: Unlike other premium domain names, the .earth extensions are based on a valuation process that is much more cost effective for end-users. For example, some premium domains can sell for upwards of $10,000 to $20,000 for the first year. Depending on your domain provider, the highest you would pay for a premium .earth name may only be around $1,600.00 annually.
  • Premium Pricing is Tiered: Because premium .earth domains are reasonably priced, the renewals are the same each year – removing any payment surprises that may occur each year.

To get started on the path towards creating a digital foundation that helps our planet, please visit one of these registrars to secure your new premium .earth domain.

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity!


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