
Big Oil: Profit More Important Than Renewable Energy


Just when we all had a sense of optimism about the rise of renewable energy, something comes along that is equivalent to a kick in the stomach. It turns out that profits are more important than the health of our planet.

According to a regent Wall Street Journal article, big oil companies like BP have decided to dial back their renewable energy efforts because there’s still plenty of money to be made off of fossil fuels. This is all happening when big oil companies are already attaining record profits.

Axios also pointed out that big oil companies would continue to face growing political and societal pressure toward de-carbonization – no matter if fossil fuels remain a major moneymaker. The article also stated that big oil could reverse course when they realize “that their own survival depends on it.”

In reality, this is all about the survival of every living creature on the planet.

This lack of foresight, and prioritizing profit over the planet, is very disheartening. The .earth web domain is going to continue preaching the gospel of “Invest in Our Planet,” which is the theme for Earth Day 2023.

We remain hopeful because many .earth web domain users are already advancing innovative clean energy solutions. These include:

Stay tuned for our Earth Day 2023 .earth web promotion, where we partner with a wide-range of global domain registrars to offer our annual pricing discount. We will also be highlighting opportunities for how emerging clean energy companies and organizations can benefit from using the .earth web domain.

To learn more about the .earth domain, visit Voices.Earth. In addition, many organizations and individuals are sharing their voices about the benefits of a .earth domain in our Voices.Earth podcast series.


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