
Tru.Earth: Plastic Bag Bans Are Not Working


Plastic pollution remains a significant issue in the United States, with many states implementing single-use plastic bans. However, these efforts are often fragmented and ineffective.

Brad Liski, CEO of Tru.Earth, and a member of the .earth web domain tribe, and Lasse Gustavsson, CEO of Ocean Wise, co-authored this Op-Ed in The Hill, which argues that the lack of national coordination in these bans fails to address the problem comprehensively.

In recent years, 10 states and more than 500 cities and towns have enacted plastic bag ordinances. Despite these efforts, plastic bags continue to litter the environment, and new thicker “reusable” plastic bags have emerged, circumventing the bans’ intentions.

This highlights the need for a cohesive national strategy to tackle plastic pollution effectively.

To drive meaningful change, it is crucial for Americans to advocate for a unified national approach to plastic pollution, ensuring consistent guidelines and regulations that empower both consumers and businesses to protect the environment.

Liski and Gustavsson emphasize the importance of collaboration amongst business executives, policymakers, and nonprofit leaders – to work towards implementing scalable and understandable solutions. They also stress that consumers should not bear the burden of reducing plastic waste alone; corporations and governments must provide sustainable options.

One proposed solution is the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act, which aims to phase out single-use plastics and shift the responsibility of waste management from taxpayers to plastic producers.

Thank you to Brad Liski and Lasse Gustavsson for authoring this thought-provoking piece!  We hope this advocacy efforts moves the ball forward when it comes to tackling plastic pollution.

With the Earth Day 2024 theme being “Planet vs. Plastics,” the .earth web domain and its registrar partners are offering special pricing for one-year registrations of standard .earth web domain names starting at under $10.00 USD – from April 19, 2024 to June 30, 2024.

To learn more about the .earth domain, visit Voices.Earth. In addition, many organizations and individuals are sharing their voices about the benefits of a .earth domain in our Voices.Earth podcast series.



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