
4Returns.Earth Advancing Large-Scale Landscape Restoration


Healthy landscapes provide food, water, clean air, stable climate, shelter, energy, livelihoods, life and meaning. Unfortunately, landscapes across the globe are degrading at a rapid rate, which is an issue that needs to be addresses to enhance the sustainability of our planet.

This is where 4Returns.Earth comes into play. With about 2 billion hectares that need to be restored, the organization offers a learning platform that enables a global community of academics, practitioners, policy makers, environmental and business professionals to meet each other and to share and exchange their knowledge, expertise and first-hand experiences with landscape restoration.

The 4 Returns process focuses around the following concepts:

  1. Return of Inspiration
  2. Return of Social Capital
  3. Return of Natural Capital
  4. Return of Financial Capital

4Returns.Earth also chose to use a .Earth domain because it lines up with its mission of holistic landscape restoration on a large scale.

“It really resonates with our ambitions … we are not only dreamers, but we are also doers,” said Rose. “Together with our partners, we are committed to transforming 100 million hectares into thriving ecosystems, and the .Earth domain really resonates with this efforts, and is also accessible to anyone restoring our planet.”

Following are highlights from our interview:

  • Why we need an organization like 4 Returns to spark large-scale landscape restoration. (1:07)
  • How 4 Returns is different than other Earth restoration organizations. (2:40)
  • Insights into the organization’s success stories, to date. (3:41)
  • More about the 4 Returns platform. (6:05)
  • More about the content platform that 4 Returns offers. (8:48)
  • Why 4 Returns chose to use a .Earth domain. (11:28)
  • What the future holds for 4Returns.Earth. (12:30)

To learn more about 4Returns.Earth, please click here. In addition, if you are launching an organization that aims to restore our planet, and would like to use a .Earth domain name, please click here.



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