
Climate Change Impacting Japanese Sushi Culture?


Once again, it seems like there’s virtually no aspect of our lives that is not impacted by climate change these days. From causing poor sleep to increased flooding to the rapid melting of Greenland ice, nothing is being spared from the impact of rising temperatures.

Now there’s one more thing to add to the list: sushi.

According to the World Economic Forum, Japan’s sushi culture is under threat due to rising water temperatures, which are affecting the quality of fish. An expectedly stronger typhoon season could also negatively impact wasabi production in Japan.

Japanese sushi culture has been around since the ninth century, and it’s been growing in popularity ever since. For example, the market size of the sushi restaurant sector reached $22.25 billion in 2019. The overall global sushi restaurant market is expected to witness market growth at a rate of 8 percent by 2028.

The health benefits of sushi certainly adds to its overall popularity. According to Travel.Earth, sushi is rich in nutrients and offers beneficial compounds that will help maintain a healthy weight and protect against chronic disease. Be sure to check out our Voices.Earth podcast interview with Travel.Earth here.

With overfishing concerns happening on a global scale, we came across a rather interesting alternative to sushi from a company called Aqua Cultured Foods. The company has developed the first whole-muscle cut sushi-quality seafood alternative created using microbial fermentation – much like the process used to make kombucha and sauerkraut.

The impact of climate change on internationally beloved sushi is certainly alarming.

For any organization developing solutions to counter climate change, and even alternatives to fish and meat products, the .Earth domain is an ideal branding option that shows your forward-thinking approach to saving our future.

To learn more about the .Earth domain, visit Voices.Earth. In addition, many organizations and individuals are sharing their voices about the benefits of a .Earth domain in our Voices.Earth podcast series.


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