
AncientandBrave.Earth Offers Products and a Philosophy for Evolving the Body and Mind


As human beings evolve, we are discovering that what we put into our bodies has a tremendous impact on our health and well-being. Rather than being dependent on processed food and beverages, we now have access to healthier options that optimize everything from our metabolism to our cognitive abilities.

Led by Annelie Whitfield, a naturopath, herbalist, author, chocolate alchemist and former stunt woman, Ancient & Brave is helping people thrive in the modern world with a combination of coffee, cocoa, and collagen power, along with a philosophical approach that embraces ancestral ways of living.

Annelie and Ancient & Brave are also partners with Made By Noble, which offers savory nutrient rich all-natural drinks full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential amino acids and vegan plant proteins. Be sure to check out our previous Voices.Earth podcast with Kate Prince, the founder of Made By Noble, here.

Much like MadeByNoble.Earth, Annelie chose to use a .Earth domain name because it fits with her organization’s ethos and values towards being environmentally conscious.

“We believe that cognitive and physical performance is forged through our connection to the planet,” said Annelie. “It feels really good to be part of the .Earth community. It ties into everything from our packaging to our core values.”

Following are highlights from this podcast interview:

  • More about Annelie’s background and why she created Ancient & Brave. (:54)
  • Insights into the philosophy and products behind Ancient & Brave. (3:19)
  • Why people need to break out of the pattern of eating processed foods. (6:55)
  • How coffee, cacao and collagen powder are good for human beings. (8:44)
  • Why Annelie chose to be part of the .Earth tribe. (13:00)
  • What the future holds for Ancient & Brave. (14:00)

To learn more about AncientandBrave.Earth please click here. And, if you are launching an e-commerce site that offers natural products aimed at enhancing health and well-being, consider using a .Earth domain name by clicking here.





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