
AstronomersforPlanet.Earth Educates the Public on Protecting Earth


Despite Silicon Valley leaders like Elon Musk pushing for humanity to seek out refuge from our dying planet in space, the reality is that there is no nearby habitable astronomical body or planet – whether the moon or Mars – that we can colonize. Simply put, we need to focus on saving Earth for future generations today, since there is no Planet B nearby.

This is the prognosis from actual astronomers who have dedicated their lives to studying the cosmos, and the vision behind Astronomer for Planet Earth. The organization provides a wide-range of resources to educate the public on how to combat climate change, because Earth is our only home.

The organization found the .Earth domain via CO2.Earth, and discovered that it was an ideal fit for their efforts as well.

“When we started forming our organization, we considered a .org domain name, but if the end of our name is Earth, why not use it in our domain name,” said Chris. “It conveys the idea that we have a global focus in solving problems from a planetary scale.”

“This is a global issue because it’s going to take a global effort to come together,” added Jessica. “Since we started this, we have even partnered with a European group of astronomers that found our .Earth website, and reached out to us. Now, we are combining efforts, and are truly a .Earth organization.”

Following are highlights from our interview:

  • More about the organization’s history and mission. (1:00)
  • Why astronomers are ideal educators for the public when it comes to climate change. (3:13).
  • Insights into the educational resources that AstronomersforPlanet.Earth offers. (5:58)
  • Why they chose to use a .Earth domain. (7:50)
  • What the future holds for AstronomersforPlanet.Earth. (10:16)
  • Insights into how science will evolve to the point where we will fully understand planets associated with nearby stars. (12:44)
  • Why science and fighting climate change should be a human goal and transcend politics. (15:07)

To learn more about AstronomersforPlanet.Earth, please click here.  In addition, if you are launching an organization that aims to save the habitability of our planet, and would like to use a .Earth domain name, please click here.


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