
Robert Lorrigan, Founder of InsideOut.Earth, Discusses Vision for Expanding Global Consciousness


There is a larger trend happening where many people are seeking our knowledge, wisdom, and expanded consciousness through yoga, meditation and other practices. Today’s modern society – with real-time news and information bombarding us round-the-clock – is driving people to discover new ways of thinking and living.

InsideOut.Earth is a new business founded by the husband and wife team of Robert and Julia Lorrigan that aims to further drive this enlightenment to the masses. The company is currently developing its programs, which will focus on Conscious Language and Meditation.

Robert and Julia found the .Earth domain through a synchronistic moment where they realized that it was a perfect fit for their new organization.

“It’s synchronicity and the .Earth domain kind of chose us,” said Robert. “When we came across the .Earth domain, it was like naming a child and it instantaneously felt right to us.”

Following are highlights from this interview:

  • An overview of InsideOut.Earth, how the idea came about, and the organization’s mission. (:43)
  • More insights into the organization’s soon-to-be-launched Conscious Language and Meditation programs. (2:00)
  • Robert’s perspective on why more people are embracing meditation and other consciousness-expanding practices. (6:08)
  • Why they chose to use a .Earth domain name. (9:24)
  • What the future holds for InsideOut.Earth. (10:32)

To learn more about InsideOut.Earth, please click here. In addition, if you are launching your own consultancy to help expand global consciousness, and would like to launch your website using a .Earth domain name, please click here.


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